Follow the adventures of Tom, a loveable but demanding and destructive cat who causes trouble for Mum throughout the day. The story uses rhyme and repetition to set a scene full of warmth and humour, appealing to children and adults equally. Tom belongs to a child called Sam. It is Sam's Mum however, whose relationship with Tom is at the heart of the story.
"That cat seems to think he's the King of this place!" is the line that readers will keep looking out for, but what will it take, to turn Mum's frown into a smile?
This is a heart-warming story that all cat-lovers will enjoy, with humour on every page and captivating illustrations.
Rhyming text - perfect for reading aloud.
Publisher - Independent Publishing Network
Language - English
Sarah Harrison
Sarah Harrison
Published Date - March 28 2024
ISBN - 9781805175490
Dimensions - 27.9 x 21.6 x 0.2 cm
Page Count - 32
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