An extended version of the series Kalpanadasan wrote on Puthiya Paarvai magazine about non-mainstream Tamil magazines. The books contain detailed articles about Dravidian-Tamil political magazines like Kuyil Dravida Nadu Thendral and literary magazines like Saraswathi Ezuthu Kasadathapara. These essays talk about the people who started these magazines their dreams success and losses. This edition also has photographs of the journal editors notes on their lives and an elaborate foreword by the author on his efforts to collect information for this book.
Publisher - Kalachuvadu Publications Pvt Ltd
Language - Tamashek
Author(s) - Kalpanathasan Kalpanathasan
Published Date - January 12 2008
ISBN - 9788189945732
Dimensions - 21.6 x 14 x 1.8 cm
Page Count - 312
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