A love story set against a vanished post-war England. The protagonist, Freddie, having ‘formed a character’ at Fitzalan, becomes accidentally orphaned, then whisked from prep school to Abbots Leigh. Peopled by his unknown bohemian family, who introduce him to love in its many forms. He starts to daydream, recalling that empty railway station, with its unattended luggage trolly. A large brown label fluttering in the breeze reading, ‘Captain Herbert’s Shooting Party - Jenner’s.’ It would begin his schooling in the art of Gamesmanship to embark on life’s odyssey. As events move towards the new century, he examines the loves in his life through a series of flashbacks. On a summer cycle trip through England receiving a gypsy blessing, ‘May the wind be always at your back,’ and perhaps it was? The carousel of love, remembering that words matter, ‘Will we always be friends and lovers?’ And its ambiguity, ‘I hope you find what you’re searching for Freddie.’ Its insufferable loss, ‘Life goes on. You’re stronger than you think you are.’ Its joyful restoration, ‘I realised you don’t love someone because they’re perfect…’ concluding that, ‘It did seem that people could only be really happy in pairs.’
Publisher - Upfront Publishing
Language - English
Author(s) - John Dann
Published Date -
ISBN - 9781915012289
Dimensions - 19.7 x 13.2 x 2.0 cm
Page Count - 353
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