The year is 2000, which is practically the future! The location is Reading, England. Cleo Howard is almost eighteen years old. She’s studying for her A Levels. Despite this, she’s going to have the best summer of her life. By the end of the year she’ll have seen Slipknot, Motörhead, Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against The Machine and David Bowie, plus local bands Venomous Lizzard and WhyY2K. As usual, Cleo is lucky to have her constant companions Ian and Jenni to join in her adventures. There is a list of characters in the back of the book should you need it. If you want to read more about Cleo Howard her later adventures are covered in The Eviscerated Panda Quintet; Eviscerated Panda A Metal Tale, Eviscerated Panda Back In Bamboo, Eviscerated Panda Vulgar Display Of Panda, Eviscerated Panda Vol. 4 and Eviscerated Panda So Far, So Good, So Panda. This is her fourth diary. Her first one, The Very Metal Diary Of Cleo Howard covers the year 1997 and should be read first.
Publisher -
Language - English
Author(s) - Sarah Tipper
Published Date -
ISBN - 9781784565893
Dimensions - 21.0 x 14.8 x 1.9 cm
Page Count - 330
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