Part IV - Kat Severn turned her back on her privileged and moneyed upbringing, instead pursuing a career in the Military of the early 22nd Century Federation of America, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. She has been given her first independent command – In the remote waters of the Southern Atlantic. For a Fleet Officer with a reputation for not following the rules, it’s a posting that rapidly becomes more of an exile than a stepping-stone towards her next promotion. But where Kat goes, trouble seems to follow – and she isn’t there long before discovering mercenaries are sabotaging the navigation beacons that mark the safe-transit-routes for shipping. Whilst establishing the extend of the damage she unintentionally finds a previously unknown, but Long-abandoned Chinese military base on a remote and desolate island. A base that contains devastating technology. Technology that Kat must ensure never falls into the wrong hands.
Publisher - Upfront Publishing
Language - English
Author(s) - Paul E Mason
Published Date - June 11 2020
ISBN - 9781784566609
Dimensions - 19.7 x 13.2 x 2.8 cm
Page Count - 530
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