Have you ever wondered why a parent puts a hand on their child's head; or why we pat our own heart when we speak of our self; or why some people rub their little finger when anxious? We all display behavioural routines at times that can give comfort to ourselves or others in times of stress. 'I Still Love Me' offers a comfort routine for young children growing up in our fast paced world. The routine of 'patting 'offered here is a simplification of meridian tapping techniques, already in use to maintain, regain and enhance health in adults. It was inspired by the fact that the author, as a clinician, could trace many of the chronic problems presenting in her patients to childhood trauma. Thus, by helping to alleviate stress in the young, the author aims to promote health in future generations of adults.
Publisher - Upfront Publishing
Language - English
Hilary Ahluwalia
Illustrated by
Amrita Ahluwalia
Published Date -
ISBN - 9781780354613
Dimensions - 14.8 x 21.0 x 0.4 cm
Page Count - 50
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