This is an A4 paperback version of the Department for Education's statutory guidance entitled 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. This book along with the 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' document, provides the main framework for safeguarding children within education. This statutory guidance is for: headteachers, teachers and education staff governing bodies and proprietors It relates to: maintained schools and colleges independent schools academies schools free schools alternative provision academies and free schools pupil referral units further education colleges sixth-form colleges It sets out what schools and colleges must do to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18. This guidance replaces 'Safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education' (December 2006).
Publisher -
Language - English
Saddle Stich
Shurville Publishing
Published Date -
ISBN - 9780993064432
Dimensions - 29.7 x 21.0 x 0.3 cm
Page Count - 50
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