Petty Peak is an ordinary British estate with is own dark underworld of crime and deep-seated urban decay, but when China-don (leader of The Peak Gunners Gang) is released from Jail the violence on the estate explodes.
Meanwhile something supernatural is pushing Buster to make a positive change, but when his friend is murdered he rejoins China-don and dives deeper into the wickedness of the estate.
Meanwhile Sylvester is a family man trying to get on with his life keeping his head down and taking care of things while his wife recovers from a car accident.
Sylvester has lived blind to the criminal world his teenage son is secretly exploring. But what will happen when the violence of the environment encroaches on Sylvester's family?
Meanwhile something supernatural is pushing Buster to make a positive change, but when his friend is murdered he rejoins China-don and dives deeper into the wickedness of the estate.
Meanwhile Sylvester is a family man trying to get on with his life keeping his head down and taking care of things while his wife recovers from a car accident.
Sylvester has lived blind to the criminal world his teenage son is secretly exploring. But what will happen when the violence of the environment encroaches on Sylvester's family?
Publisher -
Language - English
Daniel Christie
Published Date -
ISBN - 9781527221765
Dimensions - 29.7 x 21.0 x 1.9 cm
Page Count - 345
Customer Reviews
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