"The Spoil'd Child" is a humorous and entertaining farce written by Isaac Bickerstaff. The play unfolds in two acts and was first performed at the esteemed Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. The story revolves around the mischievous and indulged offspring of a wealthy family, whose antics and high demands cause chaos and hilarity for all involved. Through clever dialogue and engaging plot twists, Bickerstaff expertly satirizes the notion of privilege and the consequences of coddling children. The play is a delightful comedy that offers a sharp commentary on societal norms and the pitfalls of overindulgence. With its lively characters and witty humor, "The Spoil'd Child" remains a classic work of English theater that continues to entertain audiences to this day.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Isaac Bickerstaff
Published Date - September 15 2024
ISBN - 9609441101898
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm
Page Count - 30
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