In the classic book "Ten Kittens" by G. A. Puckett, readers are treated to a delightful tale of ten mischievous kittens and their adventures. The story follows the playful and curious kittens as they explore the world around them, getting into all sorts of amusing predicaments along the way. With charming illustrations and a heartwarming storyline, this book is sure to captivate both children and adults alike. "Ten Kittens" is a timeless classic that reminds us of the joy and wonder that can be found in the simplest of things. Full of humor, warmth, and a touch of whimsy, this book is a must-have for any bookshelf.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
G. A. Puckett
Published Date - September 14 2024
ISBN - 9609441089240
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm
Page Count - 24
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