"Queen of the Black Coast" is a captivating short story penned by Robert E. Howard, featuring the iconic character Conan the Barbarian. Set in the brutal and romanticized world of Hyboria, the tale follows Conan as he encounters Belit, the fierce and enigmatic queen of a band of pirates. Their passionate relationship unfolds against a backdrop of adventure, treachery, and the merciless sea. Howard masterfully blends elements of sword and sorcery with rich, evocative prose, immersing readers in the vivid landscapes and relentless action of Conan's world.
The story explores themes of love, loyalty, and the clash between civilization and savagery. Belit, a complex and formidable heroine, embodies strength and fearlessness, reflecting Howard's appreciation for powerful female characters. "Queen of the Black Coast" remains a classic of the genre, showcasing Howard's talent for storytelling, character development, and emotional depth, leaving a lasting impact on the sword-and-sorcery tradition.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Robert E. Howard
Published Date - September 14 2024
ISBN - 9609441086935
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm
Page Count - 31
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