Title: Paperback
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"Mantegna" by N. D'Anvers is a captivating exploration of the life and artistry of the renowned Italian painter Andrea Mantegna, celebrated for his groundbreaking contributions to Renaissance art. In this detailed account, D'Anvers delves into Mantegna's unique style, which masterfully combined classical themes with innovative techniques, creating powerful visual narratives. The book takes readers through Mantegna's formative years, his influences, and the evolution of his craft, highlighting notable works such as the famous frescoes in the Palazzo Ducale and his iconic paintings of the Virgin Mary.

With thorough research and insightful commentary, D'Anvers not only presents a biography but also serves as a visual guide, pairing descriptions of Mantegna's art with practical analysis. This classic work is an essential read for anyone interested in art history, providing a deeper appreciation for an artist whose legacy continues to inspire. The writing reflects both passion and expertise, ensuring its place in the canon of art literature.



Publisher - Lettel

Language - English




N. D'Anvers

Published Date - September 14 2024

ISBN - 9609441090321

Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm

Page Count - 26

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