"Joseph and His Brethren" by W. K. Tweedie is a classic biblical tale that follows the story of Joseph, a beloved son who is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Through a series of trials and tribulations, Joseph rises to power in Egypt and eventually forgives his brothers, showcasing themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of faith.
Tweedie's retelling of this timeless story beautifully captures the emotions and struggles of the characters, drawing readers into the drama and ultimately delivering a powerful message of hope and reconciliation. With its engaging storytelling and profound moral lessons, "Joseph and His Brethren" continues to resonate with audiences of all ages, making it a must-read for those seeking a compelling narrative rooted in biblical history.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
W. K. Tweedie
Published Date - September 12 2024
ISBN - 9609441062397
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm
Page Count - 33
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