"Hogarth" by C. Lewis Hind is a compelling exploration of the life and works of the renowned 18th-century British artist, William Hogarth. Hind meticulously examines Hogarth's distinctive contribution to art, particularly his narrative paintings and engravings that reflect the social and moral challenges of his time. The book delves into Hogarth's artistic techniques, his satirical approach to society, and how his works serve as a mirror to the human condition. Hind's engaging writing style makes the exploration both informative and accessible, appealing to art lovers and historians alike.
The author places Hogarth within the broader context of the Enlightenment, shedding light on his influences and the political climate that shaped his creations. Hind's passion for art history is evident throughout, as he brings Hogarth's world vividly to life. This insightful biography not only celebrates Hogarth's legacy but also emphasizes the relevance of his work in contemporary society.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
C. Lewis Hind
Published Date - September 15 2024
ISBN - 9609441099874
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm
Page Count - 32
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