All Of The You's


Title: Paperback
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This book, ‘All of the YOU’s’ is the first of a trilogy of books that will provide all information regarding what The Great Simulator is and what its purpose was and has been since its creation through to the end of its present cycle. The ending of this particular cycle signals a new beginning in the Creators great plan for everything everywhere including humanity. This includes the universe multiverse and lower and higher Astral spheres. It is the finalization of what is known in the universe as duality. Within these books is an understanding of how a lost soul can find its way home. Many Hollywood movies and books have highlighted different areas of duality in this reality this star system this galaxy and this universe. As yet non have highlighted the story of the multiverse or lower and higher astral realms. Within these three books all of these areas will be explained in terms of structure purpose and of course the reason for them existing. This is an Archangelic perspective with a ‘view from above’on all that is with an overview of the Creators awareness itself. Ultimately the reason for these books being created is for humanity to recognize its significance within all that exists. To come to know itself as the great new intention of the creator or whatever you choose to call God. To recognize that the intention for humanity is for it to become and then resonate the unconditional love of the creator itself as time moves on and that this ongoing process has only just began with the journey of ascension and does not end with ascension. That the earth plane school will create a new kind of ascended master and the earth Eden experiment will create a new type of Archangel, neither of which have existed before. This world, our world is on the precipice of huge changes which will accumulate and move it toward a world change that everybody who is existing on must take part in. This is the intention of the creator itself. Who is Creator? Creator is all of everything and so all of everything wants this to happen, and so it will. Hope you enjoy this ride.


Publisher - Stuart Stephenson Books

Author(s) - Stuart Stephenson


Published Date -

ISBN - 9781912400003

Dimensions - 21 x 14.8 x 0.9 cm

Page Count - 144

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