In the wake of an interdimensional apocalypse, Nate Carver awakens to a world unrecognizable. His apartment is in ruins, and his precious daughter, Sophie, has mysteriously disappeared. With the remnants of civilization crumbling around him, Nate's desperate search for Sophie begins.
Joined by Evelyn, a resilient neighbor, they search for Sophie through desolate landscapes, haunted by the eerie, terrifying creatures that have invaded their world. Secrets unravel with each survivor they meet, providing clues to Sophie's whereabouts and shedding light on their terrifying new reality.
"Enemy Unseen" takes you on a heart-stopping journey through a post-apocalyptic world where the real enemy might not be the alien creatures, but the darkness within mankind itself. Amidst the chaos, Nate's quest for Sophie becomes not just a mission of love, but a battle for humanity's soul. Nate must summon the courage to face the enemy unseen.
Publisher - Scribbleit Ltd
Language - English
Kevin Partner
Published Date - November 30 2023
ISBN - 9781915779205
Dimensions - 20.3 x 12.7 x 1.6 cm
Page Count - 279
Customer Reviews
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